Sunday, May 24, 2020

Super 30 Hindi Movie Review

The word super might be a stretch to describe Hrithik Roshan’s new film Super 30, even if it does chronicle the inspiring true story of Anand Kumar, the mathematician and educationist from Bihar who has helped hundreds of poor students crack the rigorous IIT entrance exams. It’s a remarkable achievement – Anand Kumar’s commitment to ensure that education does not remain the exclusive privilege of those with deep pockets – and it’s one that deserves to be celebrated. But director Vikas Bahl and writer Sanjeev Dutta don’t seem convinced about the inherent dramatic potential of their protagonist’s story, choosing therefore to exaggerate details, omit crucial facts, and dial up the melodrama in order to raise the stakes. Hrithik, who looks nothing like the real Anand Kumar, is slathered with brown face and body paint, thus reinforcing the embarrassing Bollywood stereotype of the dark-skinned ‘poor Indian’. The actor nevertheless imbues the character, especially in the film’s early bits, with

Saturday, May 23, 2020

দিনে আয় করুন ১০০ থেকে ৫০০ টাকা। পেমেন্ট বিকাশ,,রিচাজ

২৪ঘন্টার মধ্যে পেমেন্ট।।
সুখবর,,,,, সুখবর,,,,,
শুধুমাএ সাবস্কাইব,,,লাইক ফলো</3
 </3  করে আয় করুন

, পেমেন্ট পেলাম রিকুয়েস্ট দেয়ার সাথে সাথে,,,,, ১০০০০০% পেমেন্ট পাবেন,,, 
সাইট লিন্ক,,,,, Eaning Money